A Quote in Bojack Horseman Which Saves Me
Journal Pov Journal Pov

A Quote in Bojack Horseman Which Saves Me

Bojack Horseman is one of my favorite TV shows of all time (a masterpiece in my option). It is about anthropomorphic animals living with human. Despite this, it depicts perfectly about mental health, generational traumas, and patriarchy in our society.

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Can Gays Cause the Decrease of Human Resources?
LGBTQIA+, Cambodia Pov LGBTQIA+, Cambodia Pov

Can Gays Cause the Decrease of Human Resources?

Recently, I stumbled upon a Facebook post where two Cambodian women got married to each other happily. Well, almost, if they realized that their lives and choices were criticized by some homophobic people on the internet (they should not care anyway). Some commented tasteless jokes and some said that Cambodia will lose its human resources in the future if this keeps happening.

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A Love Letter for You Ally!
Pride, LGBTQIA+ Pov Pride, LGBTQIA+ Pov

A Love Letter for You Ally!

Do you know what is so great about June?

For me at least, June is such a special month because it is the month when my community celebrates for their pride and for the one of the most memorable moment in the history of the community - Stonewall riots.

Yes, I am talking about LGBTQIA+ pride month.

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I Went to Watch “Suzume no Tojimari” and Got Disappointed (But Because of Something Else)
Non-fiction, Adventure Pov Non-fiction, Adventure Pov

I Went to Watch “Suzume no Tojimari” and Got Disappointed (But Because of Something Else)

“Suzume no Tojimari”(すずめの戸締まり)is a new Japanese anime movie, directed by Shinkai Makoto - the director of “Your Name” and “5 Centimeters Per Second”. It was released on 11 November 2022. It tells a story where a teenager girl named “Suzume”, who had a task to close mysterious doors, which opened across Japan, so that she could prevent disasters and destructions from happening.

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How Music Decorates My Life
Non-fiction, Music Pov Non-fiction, Music Pov

How Music Decorates My Life

I don’t know how to start to talk about this topic and I also don’t know much about music, too. I’m just an individual who loves music whether it has vocal or not, and I’d like to talk about it. As for you, you may find some new artists or new songs to listen to.

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My Journey with Journaling
Non-fiction Pov Non-fiction Pov

My Journey with Journaling

When you have a bad day, what will you do?

You may say that you’ll movie or listen to music or hang out with friend. For me? Yes, I‘ll also do those things, but there’s another particular thing which reassures that after doing that, my feeling will get better. And that is “Journaling”.[..]

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