A Quote in Bojack Horseman Which Saves Me

Bojack Horseman is one of my favorite TV shows of all time (a masterpiece in my option). It is about anthropomorphic animals living with human. Despite this, it depicts perfectly about mental health, generational traumas, and patriarchy in our society. I believe that there are many people feeling seen and saved by this show. Also, there are so many iconic lines, but there is one quote whose message sticks with me from the first time I heard. 

“You do the Hokey-Pokey and you turn yourself around. 'You turn yourself around!'; that's what it's all about!” Todd Chavez.

There are times I work hard, try to be the better version of myself everyday, and be positive toward things in life. However, there are also times I am drown by negative thoughts, and do not care about anything at all. The fluctuation of being better and worse version of myself makes me anxious. I feel that I cannot control myself and doubt if I can be improved while being one-step forward and two-step backward like this.

But then, Todd’s line comes back into my mind, and I feel instantly relieved.

You do the hokey-pokey and you turn yourself around. The key is that you turn yourself around. The time you fall into the pit of negativity mean that there is going to be the time you climb up to the surface again. Of course, you may fall back, but you will climb up again. The cycle will continue, but as long as you know that there will be a time/chance to turn yourself around, you are going to be okay. That is how life (especially therapy) works. It is not a linear thing.

I know I am not making any sense, but at least trust me one thing. Watch Bojack Horseman and you will learn something from it.

*Be aware of the trigger warnings though.


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